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- This gave the papacy a markedly French character. Pope Gregory XI returned the papacy to Rome in , and when he died in , cardinals met to elect a new pope. People wanted a Roman pope so the cardinals elected Urban VI who they thought was weak, but...
- The council then elected Alexander V. The popes refused to step down so now there were 3 popes. At the council at Constance, cardinals, bishops, and theologians assembled. This paved the way to reform movements by showing the struggle with the...
- Latin Revival: collection of manuscripts and spreading of libraries. Greek Revival: Greek scholars brought with them manuscripts to teach Italians how to read Greek. Where began in Florence and spread to Western and Northern Europe When 14th to 17th centuries Why Different because it is all encompassing. Deals with texts of distinctly different civilizations and begins the realization of different historical periods. Created a new mindset and way to look at the world. Better to call it Early Modern Europe which is a flexible term that accounts for continuity and change. Brings a new historical perspective which saw texts as authorities and authors in their own contexts. Adam seems to be walking out of the picture making it look 3D. Part of altar piece continuing a religious theme Where.
- Physics instructors will determine the exam dates and proctoring platform. Students must have a valid photo ID. Calculators are permitted in PHYS ; ; ; ; PHYS students only must use a certain calculator. The PHYS instructor will provide specific details on which calculator can be used. Cell phone calculators are NOT permitted. Students may use a pencil or pen to work out problems. Blank scrap paper are allowable unless otherwise notified by the instructor. Cell phones or electronic devices are NOT permitted unless otherwise notified by the instructor. All cell phones and electronic devices must be turned off and put away during the exam. Exams are closed book and notes are NOT permitted unless otherwise notified by the instructor.
- Recently, she has been having marital difficulties that have left her emotionally upset. As a result of this stress, it is possible that she will: Question: Mason, age 52, has diabetes mellitus DM and is overweight. You now find that he is hypertensive. How should you treat his hypertension? Question: Dan, age 45, is obese and has type 2 diabetes. He has been having trouble getting his glycohemoglobin under control. He has heard that exenatide Byetta causes weight loss and wants to try it. What do you tell him? Question: When you inspect the integumentary system of clients with endocrine disorders, a finding of coarse hair may be an indicator of: Question: Which of the following is not a risk factor for diabetes mellitus type 2? Question: Bill, age 43, appears with a tender, ulcerated, exudative, papular lesion on his penis. It has an erythematous halo, surrounding edema, and friable base.
- The nurse practitioner should suspect: Question: Josh and Martha have 5 children and do not want any more. Josh said he heard about a no-scalpel vasectomy NSV and asks the nurse practitioner how it works. What would be the best response? Question: Susan, age 28, is 9 months pregnant and asks you about using umbilical cord blood after birth for newborn DNA identification. What do you tell her? Question: Russo, age 59, is a postmenopausal woman who comes to your office complaining of vaginal dryness.
- She has been sexually active with a new partner and says that penetration is very painful. She has tried over-the-counter lubricants but has not found one that works. Her history is significant for hypertension only. After examination and wet prep, you diagnose her with atrophic vaginitis. What should you do next? Question: Which of the following is a benign neoplasm? Question: Sally has human immunodeficiency virus HIV and asks which method of birth control, other than abstinence, would be best for her. You suggest: Question: Cass, age 67, tells the nurse practitioner NP that she has been … with a condition that causes sudden flares of pain, swelling, and redness of the joints in her toes. The NP should suspect a diagnosis of: Question: Matthew, age 52, is a chef who just … 2 of his fingers with a meat cutter. You would recommend that he: Question: Marsha, age 34, presents with symptoms resembling both fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, which have many similarities.
- Question: Paul has a malignant fibrosarcoma of the femur. He recently had surgery and is now on radiation therapy. You want to order a test to determine the extent of the tumor invasion of the surrounding tissues and the response of the bone tumor to the radiation. Which of the following tests should you order? Question: Karen, who is postmenopausal, is taking mg of calcium daily but does not understand why she also needs to take vitamin D. You would recommend that he: Question: The valgus stress test, varus stress test, Lachman test, and thumb sign are all considered standard tests to check the integrity of the ligaments of the knee. Which test would the nurse practitioner choose to assess the anterior cruciate ligament ACL , which is the most commonly involved structure in severe knee injury? Question: Lillian, age 70, was told that she has osteoporosis. When she asks you what this is, you respond that osteoporosis: Question: Mike, age 42, a golf pro, has had chronic back pain for many years.
CCNA 1 Final Exam Answers 2021 (v5.1+v6.0) Introduction To Networks
His workup reveals that it is not the result of a degenerative disk problem. Which of the following should the nurse practitioner advise him to do? Question: Janine, age 69, has class III rheumatoid arthritis. According to the American Rheumatism Association, which of the following describes her ability to function? Question: For an adult patient with a knee injury, the nurse practitioner orders a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug NSAID to be taken on a routine basis for the next 2 weeks. Patient teaching should include which of the following? Question: Sean, a factory line worker, has osteoarthritis OA of the right hand. According to the American College of Rheumatology ACR , the guidelines for pharmacologic treatment include: Question: Margaret, age 55, presents to you for evaluation of left hand and wrist pain and swelling after a slip and fall on the ice yesterday. The nurse practitioner orders a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug NSAID and should educate him in which of the following?- Question: Jessie, age 49, states she thinks she has rheumatoid arthritis. Before any … tests are ordered, the nurse practitioner completes a physical examination and makes a diagnosis of osteoarthritis rather than rheumatoid arthritis. Which clinical manifestation ruled out rheumatoid arthritis? Question: Greg, age 26, runs marathons and frequently complains of painful contractions of his calf muscles after running. You attribute this to: Question: The nurse practitioner is considering a diagnosis of calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease CPPD , or pseudogout, in a year-old man who presents with complaints of pain and stiffness in his wrists and knees.
- The most useful diagnostic tests to assist in confirming this diagnosis would be: Question: Ethan, age 10, jumped off a 2-foot wall, twisting his foot and ankle upon landing. His ankle x-ray demonstrates a fracture of the distal tibia, over the articular surface, through the epiphysis and physis growth plate. Based on the Salter-Harris classification of growth plate injuries, you know this is a: Question: In assessing a patient, you place the tips of your first 2 fingers in front of each ear and ask the patient to open and close his mouth.
NR 511 Week 8 Final Exam Practice Questions-Answers (Collection)
Then you drop your fingers into the depressed area over the joint and assess for smooth motion of the mandible. With this action, you are checking for: Question: Sandra, a computer programmer, has just been given a new diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome. He is confused as to whether he should apply heat or cold. What should the nurse practitioner tell him? Question: Daniel, age 45, is of Northern European ancestry and has a dysfunctional and disfiguring condition affecting the palmar tissue under the skin of the distal palm and fourth and fifth fingers.NR 511 Week 8 Final Practice Questions-Answers-Rationale: Spring 2021
What do you suspect? Question: Lois, age 52, who has just been given a diagnosis of sarcoidosis, has joint symptoms, including arthralgias and arthritis. Your next plan of action would be to: Question: The nurse practitioner NP is … Maya, a year-old Asian woman, for the first time. When trying to differentiate between scoliosis and kyphosis, the NP recalls that kyphosis involves: Question: Marsha, age 34, presents with symptoms resembling both fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, which have many similarities. Question: Upon assessment, the nurse practitioner notes unilateral back pain of acute onset that increases when standing and bending. A straight leg raise test is negative. The most likely diagnosis is: Question: A year-old patient presents with complaints of paresthesias in the lower lateral arm, thumb, and middle finger. The nerve roots most commonly related to these symptoms are C6 and C7. The most likely diagnosis would be: Question: Christian, age 22, is a carpenter who is right hand dominant.- He comes to the clinic for follow-up from the emergency department, where he was seen for right forearm pain. He states he was diagnosed with right forearm tendinitis and wants the provider to explain this diagnosis to him. Patient teaching should explain that he has inflammation of one or more tendons, which are: Question: Steve, age 32, fell off a roof while shingling it.
Western Civilization Final Exam Flashcards -
He is complaining of pain in his left hip and leg area. Other than an x-ray, what would make you suspect a fractured pelvis? Question: Beth, age 49, comes in with low back pain. An x-ray of the lumbosacral spine is within normal limits. Which of the following diagnoses do you explore further? Question: Joyce, age 87, broke her wrist after falling off a curb. She just had a plaster cast applied to her wrist. In instructing Joyce and her family on allowing the cast to dry properly, tell them to: Question: When teaching Alice, age 77, to use a cane because of osteoarthritis of her left knee, an important point to stress is: Question: You are caring for a patient who has a history of psoriasis and is now showing signs of joint involvement.NR Week 8 Final Exam - Practice Questions-Answers | Course Notes For Students
Seropositivity provides a definitive diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis PsA. The initial treatment choice for management of the patient is: Question: Hilda, age 73, presents with a complaint of low back pain. Red flags in her history of a minor fall, osteopenia, and prolonged steroid use for systemic lupus erythematosus suggest the possibility of which of the following serious underlying conditions as the cause of her low back pain? Question: A nurse practitioner is driving home from work and stops at the scene of a motorcycle accident that must have just occurred, as there are no rescue vehicles present. The driver is lying unconscious at the side of the road with an obvious open fracture of his femur. Which of the following actions should take priority? Question: Mr. McKinsey, age 69, was recently given a diagnosis of degenerative joint disease.- It requires that students learn 1 to recognize selected major works, 2 to analyze their formal qualities, 3 to place them within their cultural context, and 4 to become familiar with recent issues of interpretation. These issues include questioning the definition of "art" for its makers, patrons, and audiences; studying the significance of museum collections and exhibitions; and considering the cultural meanings of representations of political events, religious figures, gender, economic class, and the natural world.
- It will also introduce students to various methodologies in the history of art. The most important and difficult aim of this course is to present the celebrated canon of "Great Western Art," not as a monolith, but as a dynamic and perpetually changing construction. It is a past that is constantly being rewritten and revised by artists, as well as by critics and historians. Whether we view the art of the past as eternal relics, material artifacts, or visual communications, its continuing power has more to do with its ability to provoke questions than to provide answers. Honor, Hugh and Fleming, John. The Visual Arts: A History, 5th ed. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, HF Sayre, Henry. Writing About Art, 3rd ed. SA Requirements: 1. Participation includes class attendance, two class trips to the Philadelphia Museum of Art PMA , and contribution to discussion. Please come prepared; complete the reading assignments before class.
- Writing Assignments will consist of two short papers on works in the PMA: a page formal analysis and a page comparison and contextualization. All papers typed, double spaced, and spell checked. A one hour midterm and a two hour final exam. The exams will include identifications, comparisons and essay questions.
- The path to answers Categories: by RainSlick The path to answers and questions This is a complete list of the questions and answers for the Star Trek online event the path to This list is current as of Stardate I will do my best to keep it updated. In the meantime, you might be interested in the article I wrote about the event for the path to That article describes how to obtain extra data chips for fun and profit. If you are interested in the lore it is in the wiki. Enjoy this complete list of the path to answers. Tomalak Chapter 2 — Who was the first empress of the imperial Romulan state? Donatra Chapter 3 — With which planet did the Romulans in the unification movement want to reconnect? Vulcan Chapter 4 — Who did the Cardassian government turn over for prosecution? No one Chapter 5 — On Stardate What ship was it? Khitomer Chapter 4 — Who did the Klingons fight when they conquered Khitomer? The Oralians Chapter 4 — Who did Martok defeat in a duel of honor?
- Councilor Qolka Chapter 5 — Which group began work to develop a mobile emitter? Assassinated as she slept Chapter 4 — Who attacked the I. Khitomer Chapter 2 — Which ship was Beverly Crusher given when she was promoted to captain? Remus Chapter 2 — To which planet did the Remans relocate? Donatra Chapter 5 — What position was Data given when he returned to Starfleet? Captain of the U. Hassan the undying Chapter 3 — What proposal by the Grand Nagus was rejected in ? Admiral Taris Chapter 7 — How long did the Romulan military report it would take to evacuate the home world?
- Six weeks Chapter 8 — Who did Martok appoint to be a commander of the Klingon fleet? Worf Chapter 9 — Which ship was lost in the Hobus system with the Jellyfish? Narada Volume 9 Chapter 1 — Which world was the first to claim the title of capital of the Romulan star empire? Klingon empire Chapter 3 — Who led the faction of the High Council that blamed the Federation for the loss of the fleet? It became a class-action suit covering all sentient artificial lifeforms in the Federation Volume 11 Chapter 1 — Which group wanted protection from Nausicaan raiders? Federation transport union Chapter 2 — How many recommendations did the Klingon defense force have to improve their status? Three Chapter 3 — Which Romulan colony requested federation protection? Talvath Chapter 4 — Who did the crew of the U. Pasteur work with to develop a treatment for Yarmin Fel syndrome? Cardassian ministry of science Chapter 5 — Which group sought to block the class-action lawsuit dealing with the rights of artificial lifeforms?
- Enterprise-E Chapter 7 — Who met with the leaders of the Federation transport union? Federation president Nan Bacco Chapter 2 — What was the name of the Klingon who planted the explosive at the peace conference? Makar Chapter 6 — Who agreed to finance the reconstruction of the Cardassan industrial complex? Rights for artificial lifeforms Chapter 8 — Which ship was successful with and extremely diverse crew? Titan Volume 13 Chapter 1 — Who won the election for federation president?
- Aennik Okeg Chapter 2 — Where were the peace talks held? Romulans Chapter 5 — What was the name of the Romulan capital? Ambassador Worf Chapter 2 — What is the name of the group that guards the Klingon chancellor? Yan-Isleth Chapter 3 — Who was the arbiter of succession? Nova Roma Chapter 5 — Which photonic lifeform was declared sentient by the Federation supreme court? Kelso when it was destroyed? Devron Sector Chapter 2 — How many members of Starfleet security where court-martialed after the destruction of the U. Dopterians Chapter 6 — Who was the captain of the U.
- Challenger Chapter 2 — Who restored the house of Duras to legitimacy? Hassan the Undying Chapter 4 — What did general Tebok refuse to do in ? Fire on civilians on Kevatras Volume 19 Chapter 1 — Which beings did the Federation council exclude form the dual citizenship program? Artificial lifeforms Chapter 2 — Rhea was the first person granted dual citizenship in the Federation. Where else did she hold citizenship? New voters with dual citizenship Chapter 4 — Which ship was Naomi Wildman assigned to? Hathaway Chapter 5 — What kind of explosive was used in the attack on the peace conference in ? Ultritium resin Chapter 6 — Who took command of the Romulan second fleet? Federation council Chapter 6 — Who was allowed to stay in the first city after Federation citizens were asked to leave?
Hist Final Exam-questions And Answers - HIST (HIST) - Stuvia
Reinforced borders and outposts Chapter 2 — In , what did the Federation council declare to be illegal? Gorn-Klingon war Chapter 3 — where was Harry Kim assigned in ? Starbase 11 Chapter 4 — Who was investigating the destruction of the I. Zeta Voltantis Chapter 2 — Who was elected to lead the Cardassian union in ? Natima Lang Chapter 3 — Who was revealed to be an Undine in ? Councilor Konjah Chapter 4 — In , which ship attempted to aid the Gorn? Lindberg Chapter 5 — Who resigned his post after the Federation council refused to change their position on the Gorn-Klingon war? Worf Chapter 6 — Who was named head of Starfleet corps of engineers in ? Which ship did they attack? Pike Chapter 3 — To which race may the Lorians be related?- France Chapter 5 — Who was the leader of the True Way in ? Planetary power relay Chapter 2 — Which general was in charge of the Klingon force that invaded the Gorn homeworld? General Klag Chapter 3 — Why did the Klingons execute the Gorn prime minister and head of military intelligence? Batlh Chapter 6 — Who captured praetor Taris after the revolt in ? No one Chapter 7 — Who was named leader of the Romulan fleet after the revolt in ? Transwarp hubs Chapter 2 — What did the Soong foundation want Starfleet to disclose in ? Three months Chapter 4 — Where did Sela open a memorial in ? Remains of the Romulan homeworld Volume 26 Chapter 1 — What was the first Federation system attacked by the Klingons in ?
- Korvat Chapter 2 — What ship was damaged defending Korvat? Technology and information Chapter 5 — Who was elected Federation president in ? Aennik Okeg Chapter 6 — What planet did the Gorn attack in ? In which year did that happen? Where were the power cells developed? Factories and replicator facilities Chapter 4 — Who was the head of Starfleet intelligence in ? Phylosians Chapter 3 — What were the Romulans searching for in ? Letheans Volume 29 Chapter 1 — Who is the mayor of Pike city in ? No one Chapter 3 — What did Sela do at her coronation? Took a blood oath to uphold the empire Chapter 4 — Where did Starfleet send the U. Enterprise-E in ? Starbase
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