Making Ethical Decisions Test Answers

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  • [FREE] Making Ethical Decisions Test Answers | HOT!

    Evidence that upper aerodigestive tract endoscopic procedures are among the highest risk for surgeons is emerging. There is information that healthcare personnel in your hospital system are increasingly turning up positive for COVID, with the...
  • [DOWNLOAD] Making Ethical Decisions Test Answers | HOT

    You have also heard that some community private practitioners continue to see patients, while others are significantly restricting their practices. You are quite concerned about the resident cadre and medical student exposure risk. How can you...
  • Making Decisions That Are Legal And Ethical

    Who is impacted? What are the risks? Take a look at the video on Causing Harm --"Causing harm explores the different types of harm that may be caused to people or groups and the potential reasons we may have for justifying these harms. State the problem. For example, "there's something about this decision that makes me uncomfortable" or "do I have a conflict of interest? Check the facts. Many problems disappear upon closer examination of the situation, while others change radically.
  • Frequently Asked Questions - NCCP Make Ethical Decisions

    For example, persons involved, laws, professional codes, other practical constraints Identify relevant factors internal and external. Develop a list of options. Be imaginative, try to avoid "dilemma"; not "yes" or" no" but whom to go to, what to say. Test the options. Use some of the following tests: harm test: Does this option do less harm than the alternatives? Make a choice based on steps Review steps How can you reduce the likelihood that you will need to make a similar decision again? Are there any cautions you can take as an individual and announce your policy on question, job change, etc. Is there any way to have more support next time? Is there any way to change the organization for example, suggest policy change at next departmental meeting?
  • Ethical Decision-Making

    Provenance: Used by permission of Shaun Taylor. Taylor provides guidance for what makes a good ethical dilemma discussion, including: Trust, respect, disagreement without personal attacks Being judgmental vs.
  • A Framework For Ethical Decision Making

    Does your decision conflict with any of the core ethical values? Think of someone whose moral judgment you respect. What would that person do? How will your decision affect others? Ask yourself: Are my actions legal? Would your decision be perceived as unethical? How would your decision look if it were reported on the news or in another public forum? What would a reasonable person do? How would they percieve your decision? Would you be proud of your choice if your child were to find out? Would you want them to make the same choice?
  • Ethical Decision Making Models And 6 Steps Of Ethical Decision Making Process

    Ethical decision-making sometimes requires us to make sacrifices to do the right thing. In answer C you intend to do the right thing and act on it. It is cheating and if you inform the other group members, you have brought them into the scheme. You need to consider the possible consequences of your intended action on yourself and the group members. Ignoring the posting removes you and others from any responsibility for using improperly posted material. Denying you know anything about it is a lie by omission. In most cases, sexual harassment is a pattern of unwanted behavior. Moreover, it is an act that might lead us to believe the end justifies the means, an approach to ethical decision-making often criticized. In other words, the end of getting the promotion dictates waiting to disclose the harassment until you get the promotion. What happens next? This approach appears to be a selfish one. You can speak to your boss first, before going to HR, but both approaches are acceptable.
  • Making Ethical Decisions: Things To Ask Yourself

    It might depend on what the employee guide provides for in sexual harassment cases. Going to the HR Department is the proper step if you are going to lodge a formal complaint of harassment, but HR may ask if you first informed your boss. This is the most difficult question in the test because it pits doing what is legal answer B with what might be viewed as ethical — compassionate use answer A. However, it may not be practical to move to another state and seek treatment from a new doctor.
  • Making Choices: A Framework For Making Ethical Decisions

    Proprietary information belongs to the employer and should not be downloaded and taken when leaving a job. Your best course of action is to walk away with your head held high — take the ethical high road even if you believe the firing was wrongful. Reporting it without giving an opportunity to correct it is not a good way to work with colleagues.
  • FEMA IS 241.a: Decision Making And Problem Solving Answers

    We could view this situation as work in progress. This enhances trustworthiness on the part of the supervisor — i. Firing the employee seems hasty and unfair and might lead to legal action. However, you can use this situation in a generic way to set workplace standards. Ignoring the comments is bad for morale and might lead to more criticism down the road. You are not consistently considering the consequences of your actions. Being ethical requires a long-term commitment to do the right thing, even if it means taking an action that you think harms you in the short run.
  • Making Ethical Decisions During The Coronavirus Crisis

    You not only know what the right thing to do is, you consistently do it even when pressured by others to deviate from your ethical values.
  • A Framework For Ethical Decision Making - Markkula Center For Applied Ethics

    Last Updated: 27th May, What are five steps to ethical decisions quizlet? Terms in this set 6 5 Steps. Recognizing an ethical issue 2. Recognize an Ethical Issue. Could this decision or situation be damaging to someone or to some group? Get the Facts. What are the relevant facts of the case? Evaluate Alternative Actions. Make a Decision and Test it. Act and Reflect on Outcome. Also, what are the 5 steps of ethical decision making? Don't jump to conclusions without the facts. Likewise, what is the correct order of the 7 Steps to ethical decision making? Identify relevant factors internal and external. Develop a list of options. Test the options. Make a choice based on steps Review steps Subsequently, question is, what are the steps in making an ethical decision?
  • 10 Ethical Questions, Answered

    Decide whether the situation involves legal or ethical issues. Identify your options and possible consequences. Evaluate your options. Implement your decision. Which is the last step of the ethical decision making model? The final step in the ethical decision making process is a Identify the Course Hero. You can ask! An ethical decision-making model is a tool that can be used by health care providers to help develop the ability to think through an ethical dilemma and arrive at an ethical decision.
  • Ethics Tests For Computing

    A number of models are presented in the ethics literature, most of which are similar in design and content. What are some examples of ethical decision making? For an example, imagine that you're sitting in a diner, and an incredibly loud and obnoxious individual comes in, disturbing everyone's dinner.
  • Frequently Asked Questions - NCCP Make Ethical Decisions | Coach

    Learning Objective Be able to explain the models you can use for ethical decision making. Now that we have working knowledge of ethics, it is important to discuss some of the models we can use to make ethical decisions. Understanding these models can assist us in developing our self-management skills and relationship management skills. These models will give you the tools to make good decisions, which will likely result in better human relations within your organization. Note there are literally hundreds of models, but most are similar to the ones we will discuss. Most people use a combination of several models, which might be the best way to be thorough with ethical decision making.
  • Ethical Decision Making

    In addition, often we find ethical decisions to be quick. For example, if I am given too much change at the grocery store, I may have only a few seconds to correct the situation. In this case, our values and morals come into play to help us make this decision, since the decision making needs to happen fast. Nash, L. Ethics without the sermon. This model asks people to reframe their perspective on ethical decision making, which can be helpful in looking at ethical choices from all angles. Her model consists of the following questions:Nash, L. How would you define the problem if you stood on the other side of the fence? How did this situation occur in the first place? To whom and what do you give your loyalties as a person and as a member of the company? What is your intention in making this decision? How does this intention compare with the likely results? Whom could your decision or action injure? Can you engage the affected parties in a discussion of the problem before you make your decision?
  • Ethical Decision-Making: Simple Tests - Triple Crown Leadership

    Are you confident that your position will be as valid over a long period of time as it seems now? Could you disclose without qualms your decision or action to your boss, your family, or society as a whole? What is the symbolic potential of your action if understood? If misunderstood? Under what conditions would you allow exceptions to your stand? Consider the situation of Catha and her decision to take home a printer cartilage from work, despite the company policy against taking any office supplies home. She might go through the following process, using the Twelve Questions Model: My problem is that I cannot afford to buy printer ink, and I have the same printer at home. Since I do some work at home, it seems fair that I can take home the printer ink.
  • FEMA IS A: Decision Making And Problem Solving Answers | FEMA Test Answers

    It has occurred due to the fact I have so much work that I need to take some of it home, and often I need to print at home. I am loyal to the company. My intention is to use the ink for work purposes only. If I take home this ink, my intention may show I am disloyal to the company and do not respect company policies. The decision could injure my company and myself, in that if I get caught, I may get in trouble. This could result in loss of respect for me at work. Yes, I could engage my boss and ask her to make an exception to the company policy, since I am doing so much work at home. No, I am not confident of this. For example, if I am promoted at work, I may have to enforce this rule at some point. It would be difficult to enforce if I personally have broken the rule before.
  • What Are Five Steps To Ethical Decisions Quizlet?

    I would not feel comfortable doing it and letting my company and boss know after the fact. The symbolic action could be questionable loyalty to the company and respect of company policies. An exception might be ok if I ask permission first. If I am not given permission, I can work with my supervisor to find a way to get my work done without having a printer cartridge at home. As you can see from the process, Catha came to her own conclusion by answering the questions involved in this model. The purpose of the model is to think through the situation from all sides to make sure the right decision is being made. As you can see in this model, first an analysis of the problem itself is important.
  • Ethical Decision-Making: Simple Tests

    Determining your true intention when making this decision is an important factor in making ethical decisions. In other words, what do you hope to accomplish and who can it hurt or harm? The ability to talk with affected parties upfront is telling. If you were unwilling to talk with the affected parties, there is a chance because you want it kept secret that it could be the wrong ethical decision. Figure 5. No one model is perfect, so understanding all of the possibilities and combining them is the best way to look at ethical decision making.
  • NCCP Make Ethical Decisions - Coaches Association Of Ontario

    As mentioned, the first step is to stop and think. When we stop to think, this avoids rash decisions and allows us to focus on the right decision-making process. It also allows us to determine if the situation we are facing is legal or ethical. When we clarify our goals, we allow ourselves to focus on expected and desired outcomes. Next, we need to determine the facts in the situation. Where are we getting our facts? Is the person who is providing the facts to us credible? Is there bias in the facts or assumptions that may not be correct? Next, create a list of options. This can be a brainstormed list with all possible solutions. In the next step, we can look at the possible consequences of our actions. For example, who will be helped and who might be hurt? Since all ethical decisions we make may not always be perfect, considering how you feel and the outcome of your decisions will help you to make better ethical decisions in the future.
  • Making Ethical Decisions

    Steps to Ethical Decision Making There are many models that provide several steps to the decision-making process. One such model was created in the late s for the counseling profession but can apply to nearly every profession from health care to business. Corey, G. Issues and ethics in the helping professions. Sometimes just realizing a particular situation is ethical can be the important first step. Step 2: Identify the potential issues involved.

    Who could get hurt? What is the worst-case scenario if we choose to do nothing? Step 3: Review relevant ethical guidelines. Does the organization have policies and procedures in place to handle this situation? For example, if a client gives you a gift, there may be a rule in place as to whether you can accept gifts and if so, the value limit of the gift you can accept.

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