Motorist Assurance Program Certification Test Answers

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  • Certifications And Affiliations In Boulder, CO

    The Motorist Assurance Program MAP is dedicated to helping the automotive service and repair industry cultivate consumer trust. Both the shop and the consumer will get off to a better start, MAP believes, if they share a common "road map" to the customer's car, something each could follow to help prevent misunderstandings.
  • New Motorist Assurance Program Video Touts Benefits Of Using ‘The MAP Process’

    MAP participants have such a road map: the uniform inspection guidelines developed through MAP by the industry. Service staff can review the guidelines with the consumer and give him or her a copy of the MAP required estimate, which explains in clear language what will be done to the vehicle - and why. MAP participants are able to stress to consumers their commitment to developing a long-term relationship based on trust and confidence.
  • Brake Fluid Testing

    MAP helps the shop and customer work together in caring for the vehicle - now and in the future. Since the shop and the consumer are now following the same industry-developed "road map", the consumer can have more confidence in the technician's identification of any problems and recommended solutions. Customers will have information that will help them ask questions MAP facilities know how important trust is in working with the public.
  • ASE Technician Certification Program

    Participating in MAP shows that the shop respects the customer enough to communicate clearly and honestly about any work a vehicle requires, or may require in the future. All MAP service providers use the very same guidelines and materials. This allows a shop to assure consumers they'll get consistent service and repair recommendations, based on the uniform industry guidelines, from any MAP participant. MAP isn't some kind of PR ploy meant to paper over problems and get the customer to "feel good" about shops. Rather, MAP helps service center staff communicate more clearly with customers and it helps each customer become a more educated consumer of car care services. MAP's Pledge to Customers The Motorist Assurance Program is working to build honesty, ethical practices, and consistent performance within the automotive service industry, and a positive relationship between the industry and consumers.
  • Nevada Health Card Test Answers

    It's a simple set of promises to which MAP members strictly adhere: We Promise to provide written recommendations for repairs that are explained and based on system failure, improved system performance or preventive maintenance, according to accepted industry standards. We Promise to offer a written estimate, including the reason for the repair, and no work will be performed without your prior authorization. We Promise to include a written limited warranty at no extra cost. We Promise to provide dispute resolution services at your request should you be dis-satisfied with the resolution proposed by a member facility concerning its performance in meeting the requirements of the program. The dispute will be submitted to an independent board at no cost to you. Written from the point of view of, and for the use of, maintenance and repair shops, the standards expand on the ideas and promises established in MAP's Pledge to Customers: I.
  • What Is The Motorist Assurance Program?

    Our recommendations are based upon the following definitions. Where appropriate, personnel are moving toward certification e. Continuing education will be supported by all MAP participants. Written Estimates Written estimates based on our inspection, in compliance with state and local regulations, will include parts dollar amount , labor dollar amount , and the total estimate.
  • Shocks, Struts & Suspension

    Work Authorization No work will be performed without the customer's prior approval. Limited Warranty A minimum limited warranty will be offered of 90 days or 4, miles, whichever comes first, covering parts and labor. Returned Parts All customers will be entitled to the return of old parts, or if they choose, they may examine the parts prior to leaving the store. Where failed parts are required to be returned to the manufacturer in order to honor the warranty, the customer will be allowed to examine the parts. Classification of Parts Replaced parts will be identified as new, remanufactured, rebuilt or used. MAP participants will inform the customer and indicate on the estimate and invoice whether a part is new, remanufactured, rebuilt or used. More About MAP Formed in June, by a group of service providers, manufacturers, associations and others who were concerned about the reputation of the automotive repair industry, MAP works to improve communication and trust between the industry and its customers.
  • Information Assurance Awareness Training Answers

    MAP's purpose is to strengthen the relationship between the motorist and the automotive service and repair industry through education of both the motorist and service pro-vider, and through the creation of industry standards. MAP keeps its participants and other inter-ested audiences informed through its newsletter, Directions, publishes a consumer brochure enti-tled How to Find Your Way Under the Hood and Around your Car, and distributes copies of its Uniform Inspection Guidelines for automotive systems.
  • Motorist Assurance Program (MAP)

    For arguable cases and other situations requiring more explanation, attach labeled comments as needed. Are all portions of the SIP approvable? There are entire sections of the checklist that are not applicable to basic areas, such as on-road testing; and only one of the performance standards may apply in a given state although states with both basic and enhanced areas that do not choose to do enhanced in all areas would need to address both standards. In cases where the question does not distinguish between basic and enhanced areas, one can assume it applies to both. In the case of basic areas opting up to enhanced programs, i. EPA will use this checklist to review the plans required to be submitted November 15, States are invited to submit a completed checklist along with the SIP including page number references for each applicable question.
  • Brake Fluid Testing | Brake Strip Brake Fluid Testing | Brake Bleeder

    The checklist cannot change or interpret the rule or Act. Is this portion of the SIP approvable? Does the program include sufficient geographic coverage? Are all requirements on this page satisfied? Are all elements present in this portion of the SIP? Does the SIP include an on-road testing program? B Is this portion of the SIP approvable? Does the SIP contain model input and output files showing the assumptions and results used in demonstrating the program meets the performance standard?
  • Certifications And Affiliations In Boulder, CO – Pellman's Automotive Service

    Was the modeling performed using the most current version of EPA's mobile source emission model or approved alternative? For each applicable pollutant and milestone, including the attainment deadline, enter below the emission factor for the local performance standard and the program target and indicate, whether the performance standard is met for each pollutant in the left column enter NA for not applicable.
  • Vehicle Health Report

    If multiple runs are submitted, use tons, or attach a description of your analysis and indicate "okay" below. Network: Centralized Start date. Are the correct local characteristics used for the following? Stage II 2. If alternative approaches, such as vehicle scrappage, have been used to contribute to meeting the performance standard, are the benefits estimated from alternatives consistent with guidance established for making such calculations?
  • Motorist Assurance Program: Overview

    If the administrator has found that NOx reductions are not beneficial for this particular ozone area, has the program been designed to offset NOx increases resulting from the repair of HC and CO failures? Page 3 Are all requirements on this page satisfied? Does the SIP include a modeling demonstration that, in ozone nonattainment areas, no increase in NOx will occur as a result of the program7 B. Was the modeling performed using the most current version of EPA's mobile source emission model or approved alternative 9 c.
  • Motorist Assurance Program Introduces MAP Striding Forward

    Stage LI. Are all required elements present in this portion of the SIP? Does the SIP include legal authority which allows for this network type to be implemented in the subject areas? Does the SIP include a description of the biennial program evaluation? Is a schedule for the program evaluation included? Is a methodology for the program evaluation included? Does the SIP include legal authority which enables the State to conduct testing each year to provide data for the biennial evaluation program? Network Type a. If an enhanced program is required for the subject area, do the regulations in the SIP specify that the program be operated in a centralized, test-only format?
  • Вхід – облікові записи Google

    If not and an enhanced program is required , does the SIP specify a decentralized, test-only program? Page 5 Are all requirements on this page satisfied? Is the demonstration provided based upon past performance of an existing test-and-repair program that utilized the specific test-type, inspection standards and waiver criteria to be employed? Does the demonstration include, at a minimum: i. Repair effectiveness surveys performed on vehicles that failed the tailpipe and evaporative emissions system tests? Results of covert auditing of inspector effectiveness? If 1 and 2 above are not satisfied, are there program features which provide complete assurance that the credit loss from the test-and-repair portion of the program will not exceed the margin by which a test-only system with the otherwise equivalent features would exceed the performance standard?
  • Motorist Assurance Program - Tech Auto Canada

    Assertions that this is the case should be discussed with OMS immediately. If a basic program is required, does the SIP specify that the program be operated using a test-and-repair or hybrid network? If so: 1. In demonstrating equivalence with the performance standard, is full emission reduction credit claimed only for that portion of the fleet passing an initial or subsequent test at a test-only facility, or for that portion of the fleet failing a test-and-repair initial test, but subsequently passing a test-only retest?
  • Motorist Assurance Program

    Are appropriate credit loss assumptions assigned for portions of the fleet initially passing at a test-and-repair facility and to the portion initially failing at a test-only facility, but subsequently passing a retest at a test-and-repair facility? Program Evaluation a. Does the SIP include a description of: 1. The evaluation schedule and protocol? The sampling methodology? The data collection and analysis system? The resources and personnel for the evaluation program, and related details of the evaluation program? Do the measures included in the evaluation program as described in the SIP include, at a minimum: 1. Surveys assessing the effectiveness of repairs performed on vehicles failing the tailpipe or the evaporative emissions portions of the test as applicable? The results of undercover surveys of inspector effectiveness related to identifying vehicles in need of repair? The results of mass emissions testing and evaporative emissions checks on a sample of subject vehicles, including assurance that: i.
  • Auto Industry Makes History

    The sampling methodology results in a representative, random sample at time of initial inspection - before repair of at least 0. The test data is submitted to EPA? Does the SIP describe the resources to be used for program operation? Does the SIP describe how the emission reduction targets will be met? Does the SIP include a detailed budget plan? Does the SIP include a description of personnel resources? Does the SIP include a description of equipment resources? Does the SIP demonstrate adequate resources to perform and maintain all program functions? Does the SIP have a mechanism to insure future funding of program operations? Page 7 Are all requirements on this page satisfied? Is a portion of the test fee or a separately assessed per vehicle fee collected and placed in a dedicated fund?
  • Motorist Assurance Program | Just Brakes | Total Car Care Centers

    Or, b. Does the SIP demonstrate a suitable alternative funding mechanism? Does the program provide for sufficient staff to carry program duties, e. Does the SIP describe the test frequency in detail? Does the SIP require and include a definition of acceptably short waiting times and driving distances? Do the test frequency requirements in the program rules insure that vehicles are tested at the assumed frequency?
  • Automotive Service Center Of Lompoc Earns AAA Approved Auto Repair Certification

    Does the plan describe how the test date is assigned for vehicles that change ownership? Are such vehicles kept on the required test schedule? Does the plan describe how the test date for newly registered used vehicles is assigned? Are such vehicles be kept on the required test schedule? Does the SIP explain how the test frequency will be integrated into the enforcement process?
  • March 2012 Issue

    Page 8 Are all requirements on this page satisfied? Are all required elements present in this portion of the SEP7 1 Does the SIP include a description of the number as of a date specified in the SIP and types broken down by model year, fuel type, vehicle class, and weight class of vehicles in the program, and a plan for how those vehicles will be identified?

    Does the SIP include a description of special exemptions, if any, allowed by the program? Does the SIP include legal authority or rules necessary to implement and enforce the vehicle coverage requirement? Does the number of vehicles account for vehicles registered or required to be registered in the program area i. Are fleets inspected by independent test-only facilities subject to the same test requirements as the primary program using the same quality control standards? If fleets are not tested by independent, test-only facilities, is one of the following criteria met?
  • BrakeStrip 100 Brake Fluid Test Strips

    Is there no emission reduction benefit assigned for the all vehicles including non-fleet vehicles within the model year class that dealers and fleets are allowed to self-test? If credit is assumed for some fraction of the model years that dealers and fleets are self-testing, is the credit assumed only for vehicles that are not resold through a dealership or fleet in a given test cycle, is this percentage documented, and are the requirements for receiving any credit for the affected model years including requiring test-only certificates for title transfer and not allowing two self-tests in a row met? Are provisions made to allow inspection of vehicles registered in other program areas and for issuance of certificates of compliance or waiver?
  • MONROE BRAKES® // MAP Standards Of Service

    Does the plan include a description of the Federal fleet inspection program? Are Federal installation managers required to show proof of inspection for all Federal employee-owned vehicles operated on the installation? Page 9 Are all requirements on this page satisfied? Does the description of special exemptions include an estimate of the number of vehicles exempted and the percentage of the subject fleet, and are the exemptions accounted for in the emission reduction analysis?
  • I'm Not A Bot. Continue.

    Does the SIP include die rule, ordinance or law establishing the test procedures? Are initial tests performed without prior repair or adjustment at the test facility except as necessary to perform functional tests?
  • Motorist Assurance Program Introduces MAP Striding Forward – UnderhoodService

    The program allows Chrysler Group dealerships to service all vehicle makes and models, as well as offer Magneti Marelli products to independent repair shops. The program was established by Magneti Marelli Aftermarket N. He also alluded to plans to expand distribution to the U. It also highlights the yearly raw materials saved by the manufacture, distribution and use of remanufactured parts, and the positive impact regular maintenance has on the environment. For more information, log on to www. The three-day event offered a full slate of technical training, membership meetings, roundtable discussions and a keynote luncheon address by off-road racer Joe Bacal. Atkinson has been part of the mobile air conditioning industry for more than 40 years. There have been reports of some cylinders containing mixtures of R and Ra or R and Rb. R has also been found in some refrigeration units used to cool large containers on container ships. This may be difficult, as many refrigerant identifiers are unable to correctly identify R Know your sources, as the markings on cartons and cylinders have also been counterfeited.

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