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[DOWNLOAD] Sap Fico Certification Exam Questions And Answers
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Studying the SAP certification materials is truly the key to passing the certification. Additionally, it is equally important to analyze all the suggested questions and practice well before the exam. The exams are generally built around the book...
- Bookmark those to re-visit them later. This allows you to focus on a limited number of questions only instead of wasting time in re-visiting all the questions. Trust your first choice of answers Studies have shown that your first selection of answer for a question is usually correct than that of the revised choice. So carefully read the question in the first attempt and trust first is careful with going back over questions and answers too many times. This is to say, read the question twice to make sure you have it. How to choose the Correct Answers Restate the question in your own words Read the question a couple of times, and confirm you understand the question by restating it in your own words.
- Then, move to the answer options, and read through all of them thoroughly. Usually one of the wrong answers sticks out as incorrect. Finding and removing it first will leave you with fewer options. Thus, better would be the chance of selecting the right one. Follow Reverse approach in True or False Category There is a category where you need to select one correct out of two. True or false type. Here if you are not able to find the correct answer, follow the reverse approach. This is to say, analyze both options and try to find which one does not go in sync with the question i. Finding the wrong one would obviously leave you with your correct answer. Watch out for the differentiators in the question Questions might look similar or might cover the same topic.
- Though SAP avoids having too many questions that overlap, it does happen. Watch out for the differentiators in the question and answer options, and treat them as new questions. To Conclude Undoubtedly, gaining the knowledge to pass the certification exam is important. Certification is a valuable tag in the job marketplace. It does verify at least a certain level of knowledge. However, in the IT field especially, innovation never stands still. You need to work hard all the time. All the Best!
- You should definitely use them during preparation for the certification, because it will help you to familiarize yourself with the exam format, test your knowledge, identify areas that require additional attention, and sometimes these sample questions are just a little bit similar to what you might encounter at the real exam. There are several reasons why it is not possible. First, no one has access to the bank of the certification questions because they are kept in the utmost secrecy. Second, the pool of questions that SAP has is so large that, even if someone could extract some questions from the secret database, the probability of getting these SAP FI questions at the exam is extremely low because the questions are randomly selected by a computer. There is no negative marking for incorrect answers. It means that you should try to answer as many questions as possible even if you are not sure what is the correct answer.
- You will be given minutes to complete the certification. If you are preparing for the exam, try to answer these SAP FI questions and see how many questions you could answer correctly. Here we also posted answers to these SAP FI questions and brief explanations for each of the questions. Disclaimer: These sample SAP FI questions are for self-evaluation purposes only and do not appear on the actual certification exams. Answering the sample questions correctly is no guarantee that you will pass the certification exam. However, it is a great way to prepare for the actual certification exams and helped many people to become certified SAP consultants.
- Do parked documents appear on the GL account line item display? Yes, they always appear. No, they never appear. They appear if the Parked items flag is active in the selection screen. They appear if they have not been cleared. Advertisement 2. Two company codes use the same chart of accounts. No, because this characteristic is defined at chart of account level. Yes, because this characteristic is defined at company code level. It depends on how the account groups have been defined. It depends on which node of the financial statement version is the account assigned. Advertisement 3. Only if the second company code has an alternative chart of accounts in GBP. Only if the second company has been defined with the currency GBP. For a GL account in a company code a trading partner was defined, which is another company code implemented in the same SAP system. Which of the following statements have to be correct in order to make a posting to this account? The period of the posting needs to be opened in the company code The document type, which will be used for the posting, has to be defined as active for intercompany postings.
- A user will need an authorization to post in the company code ; otherwise SAP will not allow the posting. A user posts a wrong document in GL accounts. What can be done to correct the mistake? The user can delete the wrong posting. The user can create a reverse posting. It does not matter if the posting period of the original posting is already closed, because SAP always allows this kind of corrections, even if the posting period is closed.
- The user can flag the posting as incorrect, and SAP will automatically delete this posting when the period closing tasks are performed. If the posting period of the original posting is already closed, the user can post the reversal in the next period. A user posts documents in a foreign currency. Which exchange rate does SAP use to convert the amounts to the local currency? SAP uses the exchange rate contained in the exchange rate table for the posting date specified in the posting, unless the user enters a different exchange rate in the posting.
- SAP uses the exchange rate contained in the exchange rate table for the date, on which the document is entered on the system, unless the user enters a different exchange rate in the posting. SAP uses the exchange rate entered manually in the posting. SAP uses the exchange rate contained in the exchange rate table for the translation date specified in the posting, unless the user enters a different exchange rate in the posting.
- A user posts a document with a reference. Please identify the correct statements below. The document generated by SAP will be an exact copy of the original one; the user cannot change any field. SAP will allow modification of the amounts, but the texts of the original document cannot be changed. SAP will allow modification of the texts, but the amounts of the original document cannot be changed. SAP will allow modification of the texts and the amounts, if the user wishes to do so. What is a recurring entry? It is a document that will be posted periodically with the same data for a defined period of time. It is a document that will be posted periodically with the same data until it is cancelled by a user. Recurring entries are posted when a periodic process is run in SAP. Recurring entries are posted automatically by SAP when their execution date arrives. Do sample documents appear in an account balance? Yes, they appear. No, they do not appear. Two company codes use the same posting period variant.
- A user sets as open a period from Which of the following statements is true? Postings in period 11, cannot be done in any case. Postings in period Postings in period 11, can be done just in one of the two company codes that have this posting period variant. Two companies have a vendor in common. Is it possible to use different payment terms for each company in the vendor master data? No, because the payment terms for the vendors are maintained once at the client level. No, because the payment terms are not maintained in the vendor master data. Yes, because the payment terms for the vendors are maintained once at company code level. Yes, because the payment terms for the vendors are maintained once at purchasing organization level. How is the due date of an invoice determined? The due date is entered manually in the invoice by an accounting clerk. The baseline date is entered manually in the invoice by the accounting clerk; the terms of the payment terms contained in the master data are applied to calculate the due date.
- The due date is automatically taken from the system date by SAP. No due date is stored in SAP invoices. Is it possible to have several payment methods for one vendor? Yes, one vendor can have several payment methods. Yes, because payment methods for vendors are maintained once at the company code level, so one vendor can have one payment method for each company code, but just one. No, only one payment method is allowed per vendor. Payment methods are not maintained in the vendor master data. A withholding tax code was specified in the vendor master data and at the same time no exemption reason was entered. Please indicate which of the following statements is correct? The vendor may have a certain amount withhold for taxes when an invoice is posted.
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When an invoice is posted, no amount will be withheld as the vendor does not have any exemption reason. The vendor may have a certain amount withheld for taxes when the payment of an invoice is posted. Withholding tax codes are not maintained in the vendor master data. Is it possible to use more than one withholding tax code for a vendor? Yes, it is possible and in this case different amounts will be deducted. Yes, withholding tax codes are not maintained in the vendor master data, but you can add as many as you wish when you do a posting. No, it is only possible to have just one withholding tax code. This is possible for customers but not for vendors.▷ Latest SAP CO Certification Questions And Answers | ERP Preparation
Is it possible to automatically generate a payment file for a bank and print a payment advice for a vendor in the payment program? No, payment program can only generate the payment file for the bank. No, payment program can only print the payment advice for the vendor. Yes, it is possible. No, payment advice for the vendor cannot be printed from the payment program; you need to use the correspondence functionality for the payment advice. Is it possible to include the invoices, which have not been selected in the payment proposal by the payment program, into the payment? No, in the payment you can only pay the invoices, which were automatically selected by the payment program.- Yes, in the payment you can include invoices, which were not automatically selected by the payment program, but you still want to pay.
- The organizational units of Financial Accounting are used for external reporting purposes, that is, they fulfill requirements that your business is subject to from external parties, for example, legal regulations. Client B. Business Area C. Company code D. Company Answer: A, C Q2. Some of these are: A. Operating chart of accounts B. Group chart of accounts C. Country-specific chart of accounts D. The company code, business area and controlling area organizational units can be combined in a number of ways. Using these combinations you can represent organizations with different structures. Which of the following are valid combinations?
- One Company Code can be assigned to multiple Controlling areas B. One Controlling area can be assigned to multiple company codes C. One business area can be assigned to multiple company codes D. You need to assign more than one company code to one controlling area. Under what kind of a business scenario would you need to consider such a decision? Multilevel Product Cost Management across company codes C. Representation of intercompany processes, whereby producing and delivering plant are the same. Answer: A, B Q5. Which of the following tax types does the SAP System support for calculating, posting, and correcting tax, as well as for tax reporting? Withholding Tax C. Top Up Tax D. For which business transactions can this be done? Entering a customer invoice B. You can add details to any automatically generated line item. True B. False Answer: A Q8.
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The document type is a key that is used to classify accounting documents. It is entered in the document header and applies to the whole document. Which of the following purposes are achieved by using document types? Assigning document numbers B. Posting to account types C. Clearing line items D. If you have entered an incorrect document, you can reverse it, thereby also clearing the open items. A document can be reversed if it has no cleared items B. Documents in MM can be reversed with a credit memo C. If the posting period of the source document has already been closed, you have to enter a date that falls in an open posting period for example, the current one in the Posting date field.- Answer: A, C Q A number of periodic tasks are executed on a regular basis daily, weekly, or monthly in the SAP System. This process is supported by the individual components of the Schedule Manager. Which of the following are components of the Schedule Manager? Flow definition B. Scheduler C. Monitor D. You would like to use recurring entries for periodic transaction.
- Posting Key, Account and Amount never change in recurring entries B. Postings can be made periodically or on a specific date C. Recurring documents do not require a separate number range. Answer: C Q Which of the following is part of configuring the dunning functionality? Dunning Codes B. Dunning Items C. Dunning areas Answer: C Q Which of the following statements are correct? More than one chart of accounts can be created for each client B. More than one company code can be allocated to the same chart of accounts D. All accounts within a chart of accounts must have the same tax code Answer: A Q What status reports does Cash Management and forecasting include? Cash management position B. Liquidity forecast C. Credit limit report D. Which of the following are clearing procedures in accounts receivable? Incoming payment B. Down payment request C. Credit memo D.
SAP FI Certification Questions And Online Practice Exam | ERPPrep | ERPPrep
When creating an Overhead Cost Order, the first order information which must be entered is: A. Order status B. Order type C. Settlement type D. Currency E. Classification code Answer: B Q When creating an Overhead Cost Order, the settlement rule must be entered in the control data. Which settlement receivers are available for internal orders? Cost center B. Orders C. General ledger accounts D. Asset E. In Controlling, a distinction is made between master data, planning, actual data and the information system. Which of the following master data belongs to Controlling? Work center C. Cost center D. Activity type E. Supplier Answer: C,D Q Within Overhead Cost Controlling activities are calculated. Which of the following combinations make business sense? Cost Center, Order, Project Receiver. Cost Center, Order, Project B. Order Receiver. Cost Center, Project C. Cost Center Receiver. Period closing activities are also performed in Controlling.What Is The Best Way To Prepare For The SAP Certification Exam In 20 Days? - Quora
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